Motion is Fun
Running in pairs with a leg tied to colleague’s leg
The kids makes 2
teams and form a relay. The pairs start
to run to the ending point, then return to starting point and pass the flag to
another team pair. The fastest team wins.The pair can run, jump, crawl whatever they choose to do. And of course
you have to fun especially the pairs are funny: one tall and one short, one
tubby and one thin, one speedy and one very lazy and so on.
2. Running in one leg.
Kids can form teams (2,3,4 ...) or
play individualy. If there are teams the fastest one wins, if they play alone
and they are too many the teacher have to time the kids to see the fastest. The other leg can tied up or can be kept with
the hand.
3. Running around bottles
On the field in the teacher
in straight line from place to place 3-4 bottles. Two teams are formed that will run in
running relay. First student
will have in hand a bottle and will bypass the bottles in
slalom, then at the
end he will let the bottle and return. The following student
will go on
the same path, will take the bottle and give it to the next and so
on. The
fastest team wins.
4. Running into a sack (bag)
Kids splitted in 2,3 teams or play alone. They
have to put theirs legs into a sack with handles and at the right signal jump
to the end and go back. Teams will be splitted in 2 halves, at the both ends of
the field. The student runs in sack, arrives to the end, pass the sack to the
team mate and waits. The team mate runs in sack to the other end pass the sack
to another team mate and so on.
If it is a relay the fastest team wins, if it individual
teacher must use a stopwatch to establish who is the fastest kid.
5. Punching the balloons
Kids are in 2 teams, one in front of eachother. Over them teacher release balloons, proportional with the number of
children, and every team will try to send the ballons, by punching, to the
other team. When a team send all balloons into the other team’s field it scores
a point. Firs team which aquires the fixed number of points (3, 4 etc) wins.
6. The myriapod
Kids are
splitted in two teams. Every team is link together by a rope, and they are
staying one in front of another. The 2 teams start to run to the end , go back,
start over untill teacher said stop. The fastest wins. Of course it will be a
lot of fun because they have different speeds and dynamics.
7. Running in a circle
Two teams. Every team has a circle, and inside it 2 or 3 kids (crowded
is better). At teacher’s signal every teams runs to the end and then goes back,
pass the circle to the mates and so on. The fastest team wins.
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